Evaluasi Penyetelan Relai Arus Lebih dan Relai Ganguan Tanah Pada Penyulang J.3 gardu Karang Joang Balikpapan
Transformator 150/20 kV, protection, overAbstract
Abstract-Medium voltage network is one of the distribution of
electricity from generators to the consumer. The voltage will be
separated to each feeder for its distribution. If the rate of consumer
needs is higher, PLN demanded to add new feeder. Electric power
distribution requires reliability in maintaining the distribution
equipment from fault, including short circuit. So, to minimize the
fault, protection system that meets the requirements of sensitivity,
reliability, selectivity and speed, which is all depends on the
precision in setting protection equipment One of the protective
devices that used in medium voltage network is an over current
relay (OCR) and ground fault relay(GFR). This research discusses
evaluation between the OCR and GFR setting, at the J.3 in Karang
Joang substation. The comparisonresult between calculation and
attached data in Karang Joang substation almost same. The
calculation from OCR setting in incoming side acquired TMS =
0,1955. Meanwhile the OCR setting in outgoing side acquired TMS
=0,1294. GFR setting in incoming side acquired TMS 0,2807.
Meanwhile GFR setting in outgoing side acquired TMS = 0,1102.
This result showed that attached setting in Karang Joang Substation
still considered in good condition.
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