Inovasi Parkir Cerdas: Prediksi Posisi Kendaraan dengan Teknologi RFID dan Arduino Mega 2560 R3
Arduino Mega 2560 R3, Efisiensi Lahan Parkir, Manajemen Parkir Perkotaan, Prediksi Posisi Kendaraan, RFID, Teknologi Parkir CerdasAbstract
Urban parking management is an urgent challenge in an ever-increasing vehicle mobility era. This research develops an intelligent parking system that integrates RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology and Arduino Mega 2560 R3 to predict the vehicle's position in real time. The initial literature study identified various approaches to parking management, but none comprehensively combined RFID and Arduino Mega 2560 R3. Therefore, this study fills this gap. The research method involves literature study, system design, hardware and software development, and field testing. In the proposed system, vehicles are equipped with RFID cards, and the parking infrastructure is equipped with RFID readers. When the vehicle enters the parking area, the system reads the RFID card and predicts available parking positions. The results of field tests show an increase in the efficiency of parking space use of around 37% to 46%, and the accuracy of parking position prediction is above 90%. This research provides effective solutions for urban parking management, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. This system also increases the driver's comfort in finding a suitable parking space. Thus, this research has the potential to support more sustainable urban development by optimizing the use of parking lots and reducing the negative impact of motorized vehicles in urban areas.
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