Monitoring incubator space, visual basic, ATmega16,Abstract
Abstract— At this time many accidents in infants in
incubators tube, which causes the baby has been overheated, skin
burns baby until the baby died. This incident occurred because of the
negligence of the hospital employees and the absence of a
notification or an application interface that tells that the temperature
on the tube incubator in bad condition.
Therefore we need a device that can measure the
temperature and humidity data and transmit it whenever the observer
want to take the data and can store data in a form of a report (data
report) by utilizing the application interface.
Based on that, the authors intend to create a tool to detect
the temperature and humidity in the incubator space under the title
Monitoring Temperature and humidity in the baby incubator space.
This tool is used to detect the temperature and humidity in the baby
incubator space, temperature and humidity sensors on the baby's
incubator space will also help the workforce (human) in carrying out
its duties.
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