Perancangan Monitoring Coal Handling System PLTU Kaltim Teluk Berbasis Internet of Things
PLTU Balikpapan, Internet of Things, Coal Handling System, Monitoring.Abstract
Abstract— Balikpapan Bay PLTU is a large capacity power plant located in the city of Balikpapan, which is located in East Kalimantan. This PLTU with a capacity of 2X110 MW meets the electricity needs of the Barito Mahakam network, which consists of the East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan regions. The main fuel for electricity generation is low grade coal (LRC) or low calorie coal. High Speed Diesel (HSD) oil is used as initial fuel. DCS (Distributed Control System) is used for wood management at PLTU Kaltim Teluk. DCS helps operations by monitoring and controlling the main and supporting components, however, management, supervisors and other staff have difficulty knowing the operating conditions of the generating unit remotely because the monitoring system can only be accessed by the control room operator at the CCR. The aim of this research is to design an Internet of Things-based coal handling system control system for PLTU Kaltim Teluk. This real time based digital monitoring system can collect and display data from every sensor in the field. The research method is a literature study method and a field method to apply the design results and collect monitoring data at the two Balikpapan Bay PLTUs. The results show that testing, which includes integration testing with MySQL, functional testing, and URL and Endpoint testing, was carried out successfully. As expected, all the main features and functions of the PLTU monitoring system are running well. This system has averagepercentage error 0.1%. So this study has an accuracy rate of 99.9%. This system has the ability to make it easier for managers to monitor the system.
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