Konsep Pendekatan Multi-Mekanisme untuk Tata Kelola TI di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia


  • Anwar Fattah Universitas Balikpapan
  • Mayda Waruni Kasrani Universitas Balikpapan
  • Khairunnisa Nurhandayani Universitas Balikpapan
  • Diah Patriana Setianingsih Universitas Balikpapan




Tata kelola TI, Pendekatan Multi-Mekanisme, institusi pendidikan tinggi, Kerangka Kerja.


 This study aims to explore a multi-mechanism approach to IT governance in Indonesian higher education institutions. It examines the various factors and strategies involved in effective IT governance within the context of Indonesian academia. The objective of this article is to collect and analyze the different factors that influence the implementation of an IT Governance model in Indonesian higher education institutions. Through a literature review methodology, the study identifies 5 factor core mechanism and 4 factor additional mechanism that influence the implementation of IT governance in Higher Education Institution. These factors must be taken into account and given special attention for the successful implementation of an IT governance framework.


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